Catastrophic Injury Claims & Settlement Services
Catastrophic injuries give rise to legal and practical complexities not usually encountered in typical accident claims. Victims are often subjected to wide-sweeping changes in lifestyle. Their future expectations and aspirations may be significantly altered.
These consequences require positive action to both minimize the impact and to prepare the injured client for a new future. Extraordinary rehabilitation, non-local medical expertise, and comprehensive therapeutic intervention are often called for to maximize the client’s potential for recovery.
Vocational retraining is often appropriate where the employment for which one was qualified is no longer viable. Future costs may be significant in terms of continuing medical care, home care, supervision or regular maintenance.
Hiring a Lawyer for a Catastrophic Injury Claim
Our goal is to guide a client through appropriate care and rehabilitation while obtaining funding for requisite needs and wage replacement (where appropriate) and to obtain a settlement or judgment which will provide for these needs on a long-term basis, and often for the rest of the client’s life.
We can help with the extreme emotional strain that accompanies a catastrophic personal injury to you or a loved one.
We would be happy to have a conversation regarding the following subjects:
- Brain injuries
- Lost limbs
- Spinal cord injuries
- Permanent and long-term disability
- Car accidents
- Bicycle, motorcycle and pedestrian accidents
- Lifestyle changes
- Rehabilitation and training
- Pensions
- Income annuity funds
- Chronic pain
Law Services
Contact Us
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
505 Fisgard St, Victoria
BC V8W 1R3
P: 250.360.2500
H: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm